Source code for fluiddyn.clusters.pbs

PBS clusters (:mod:`fluiddyn.clusters.pbs`)


.. autoclass:: ClusterPBS


import os

from . import subprocess
from .local import ClusterLocal

[docs] class ClusterPBS(ClusterLocal): """Base class for clusters with PBS job scheduler.""" _doc_commands = """ Useful commands --------------- qsub qstat -u $USER qdel qhold qrls""" name_cluster = "" nb_cores_per_node = 32 default_project = None cmd_run = "mpirun" cmd_launch = "qsub" max_walltime = "23:59:59" def __init__(self): self.check_pbs() self.commands_setting_env = ["cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR"] self.commands_unsetting_env = []
[docs] def check_pbs(self): """Check if this script is run on a frontal with pbs installed.""" try: subprocess.check_call(["qsub", "--version"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) except OSError: raise ValueError( "This script should be run on a cluster with PBS installed." )
[docs] def check_name_cluster(self, env="HOSTNAME"): """Check if self.name_cluster matches the environment variable.""" if self.name_cluster not in os.getenv(env): raise ValueError( "Cluster name mismatch detected; expected " + self.name_cluster )
[docs] def submit_command( self, command, name_run="fluiddyn", nb_nodes=1, nb_cores_per_node=None, walltime=None, project=None, queue=None, nb_mpi_processes=None, omp_num_threads=1, nb_runs=1, path_launching_script=None, path_resume=None, retain_script=True, ask=True, bash=True, email=None, interactive=False, **kwargs, ): """Submit a command. Parameters ---------- command : string Command which executes the run name_run : string Name of the run to be displayed in PBS queue nb_nodes : integer Number of nodes nb_cores_per_node : integer Defaults to a maximum is fixed for a cluster, as set by self.nb_cores_per_node. Set as 1 for a serial job. Set as 0 to spread jobs across nodes (starts job faster, maybe slower). walltime : string Minimum walltime for the job project : string Sets the allocation to run the job under queue: string Sets the cluster queue to run the job on nb_mpi_processes : integer Number of MPI processes. Defaults to None (no MPI). If ``"auto"``, computed as `nb_cores_per_node * nb_nodes`. omp_num_threads : integer Number of OpenMP threads nb_runs : integer Number of times to submit jobs (launch once using `command` and resume thereafter with `path_resume` script / command). path_launching_script: string Path of the PBS jobscript path_resume : string Path of the script to resume a job, which takes one argument - the `path_run` parsed from the output. retain_script : boolean Retail or delete script after launching job ask : boolean Ask for user input to submit the jobscript or not bash : boolean Submit jobscript via `call_bash` function email : string In case of failure notify to the specified email address interactive : boolean Use `cmd_run_interactive` instead of `cmd_run` inside the jobscript """ nb_cores_per_node, nb_mpi_processes = self._parse_cores_procs( nb_nodes, nb_cores_per_node, nb_mpi_processes ) path_launching_script = self._make_path_launching_script() self._check_walltime(walltime) is_resume_script = bool("resumer" in path_launching_script) if project is None: project = self.default_project launching_command = self.cmd_launch if is_resume_script: dependencies = input("Enter jobid dependencies :").split() launching_command += " -W depend=afternotok:" + ":".join(dependencies) else: dependencies = None create_txt_kwargs = locals() del create_txt_kwargs["self"] txt = self._create_txt_launching_script(**create_txt_kwargs) self._write_txt_launching_script(txt, path_launching_script) launching_command += " ./" + path_launching_script self._launch(launching_command, command, bash, ask) if not retain_script: os.remove(path_launching_script) nb_times_resume = int(nb_runs) - 1 for n in range(0, nb_times_resume): nb_runs = 1 path = path_resume path_launching_script = self._make_path_launching_script("resumer") submit_script_kwargs = locals() del submit_script_kwargs["self"] del submit_script_kwargs["command"] self.submit_script(**submit_script_kwargs)
def _create_txt_launching_script(self, **kwargs): """ Examples -------- #!/bin/bash -l # The -l above is required to get the full environment with modules # The name of the script is myjob #PBS -N myjob # Set the allocation to be charged for this job # not required if you have set a default allocation #PBS -A 201X-X-XX # Set the queue to launch this job on #PBS -q queuename # Only 1 hour wall-clock time will be given to this job #PBS -l walltime=1:00:00 # Number of nodes and processes per node #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=32 #PBS -e $PBS.myjob.$PBS_JOBID.stderr #PBS -o $PBS.myjob.$PBS_JOBID.stdout # Run the executable named myexe mpirun -n 128 ./myexe """ path_launching_script = kwargs["path_launching_script"] command = kwargs["command"] name_run = kwargs["name_run"] project = kwargs["project"] queue = kwargs["queue"] nb_nodes = kwargs["nb_nodes"] nb_cores_per_node = kwargs["nb_cores_per_node"] walltime = kwargs["walltime"] nb_mpi_processes = kwargs["nb_mpi_processes"] omp_num_threads = kwargs["omp_num_threads"] dependencies = kwargs["dependencies"] email = kwargs["email"] is_resume_script = kwargs["is_resume_script"] logfile = f"PBS.{name_run}" logfile_stdout = logfile + ".${PBS_JOBID}.stdout" txt = "#!/bin/bash -l\n\n" txt += f"#PBS -N {name_run}\n\n" if project is not None: txt += f"#PBS -A {project}\n\n" if queue is not None: txt += f"#PBS -q {queue}\n\n" if walltime is not None: txt += f"#PBS -l walltime={walltime}\n" txt += f"#PBS -l nodes={nb_nodes}:ppn={nb_cores_per_node}\n" if email is not None: txt += "#PBS -m a\n" txt += f"#PBS -M {email}\n" txt += f"#PBS -e {logfile}.%J.stderr\n" txt += f"#PBS -o {logfile}.%J.stdout\n\n" txt += 'echo "hostname: "$HOSTNAME\n\n' nb_cores = nb_nodes * nb_cores_per_node txt += self._log_job( nb_cores, path_launching_script, logfile_stdout, command, "", ) txt += "\n".join(self.get_commands_setting_env()) + "\n\n" if omp_num_threads is not None: txt += f"export OMP_NUM_THREADS={omp_num_threads}\n\n" if is_resume_script: jobid = dependencies[0] main_logfile = f"PBS.{name_run}.{jobid}.stdout" txt += "PATH_RUN=$(sed -n '/path_run/{n;p;q}' " + "{}\n".format( main_logfile ) cmd = self.cmd_run if nb_mpi_processes is not None and nb_mpi_processes > 1: txt += f"{cmd} -n {nb_mpi_processes} " if is_resume_script: txt += f"{command} $PATH_RUN" else: txt += command txt += "\n" + "\n".join(self.commands_unsetting_env) return txt