Source code for fluidlab.instruments.powersupply.tti_cpx400dp


.. autoclass:: TtiCpx400dp


__all__ = ["TtiCpx400dp"]

from fluidlab.instruments.iec60488 import IEC60488
from fluidlab.instruments.features import FloatValue, BoolValue
from fluidlab.interfaces import PhysicalInterfaceType

class TtiCpx400dpUnitValue(FloatValue):
    def _convert_from_str(self, value):
        index_v = value.find("V")
        index_i = value.find("A")
        if index_v > index_i:
            index = index_v
            index = index_i
        return float(value[0:index])

[docs]class TtiCpx400dp(IEC60488): """Driver for the power supply TTI CPX400DP Dual 420 watt DC Power Supply. Default interface is GPIB, but the device can work also with LAN, RS-232 and USB connection. USB connection is actually a USB-Serial converter. e.g. on linux with USB connection: .. code-block:: python with TtiCpx400dp('/dev/ttyACM0') as tti: tti.onoffall.set(True) v = tti.vdc.get(channel=1) print(v) On Windows or Linux with GPIB connection: .. code-block:: python with TtiCpx400dp('/dev/ttyACM0') as tti: tti.onoffall.set(True) v = tti.vdc.get(channel=1) print(v) """ # the default params below are for use with Serial connection (RS-232 or USB) # they are ignored by the GPIBInterface, VISAInterface and SocketInterface # classes. default_inter_params = { "baudrate": 9600, "bytesize": 8, "parity": "N", "stopbits": 1, "timeout": 1, "xonxoff": True, "rtscts": False, "dsrdtr": False, "eol": "\r\n", "use_readlines": False, }
features = [ TtiCpx400dpUnitValue( "vdc", doc="Get actual voltage/Set voltage setpoint on specified channel. Channel is 1 or 2.", command_set="V{channel:d} {value}", command_get="V{channel:d}O?", channel_argument=True, check_instrument_value=False, ), TtiCpx400dpUnitValue( "idc", doc="Get actual current/Set current setpoint on specified channel. Channel is 1 or 2.", command_set="I{channel:d} {value}", command_get="I{channel:d}O?", channel_argument=True, check_instrument_value=False, ), BoolValue( "onoff", doc="Toogle output ON/OFF for specified channel. Channel is 1 or 2.", command_set="OP{channel:d} {value}", command_get="OP{channel:d}?", channel_argument=True, check_instrument_value=False, true_string="1", false_string="0", ), BoolValue( "onoffall", doc="Toogle output ON/OFF for both channels simultaneously.", command_set="OPALL ", channel_argument=False, check_instrument_value=False, true_string="1", false_string="0", ), ] TtiCpx400dp._build_class_with_features(features)