Source code for fluiddyn.util.timer

Clocking timer (:mod:`fluiddyn.util.timer`)

.. currentmodule:: fluiddyn.util.timer


.. autoclass:: Timer

.. autoclass:: TimerIrregular


import operator
import time
from datetime import timedelta

def parse_timestamp(timestr):
    """Converts a timestamp to a time.struct_time object."""
    time_formats = ["%d-%H:%M:%S", "%H:%M:%S", "%M:%S", "%S"]

    for tf in time_formats:
            time_struct = time.strptime(timestr, tf)
        except ValueError:


        raise ValueError(
            "Timestamp should be in one of the following "
            "formats: {}".format(time_formats)

    return time_struct

def timestamp_to_seconds(timestr):
    """Converts a timestamp to total seconds."""
    ts = parse_timestamp(timestr)
    # Handle both formats:
    days = ts.tm_yday if "-" in timestr else (ts.tm_yday - 1)
    td = timedelta(
        hours=ts.tm_hour, minutes=ts.tm_min, seconds=ts.tm_sec, days=days

    return int(td.total_seconds())

def time_gteq(timestr1, timestr2):
    """Compares two timestamps strings."""
    return TimeStr(timestr1) >= TimeStr(timestr2)

class TimeStr(str):
    """String types with special comparison operators to compare equivalent


    def __init__(self, value):
        self._struct = parse_timestamp(value)

    def _operate(self, operator_func, other):
        if isinstance(other, TimeStr):
            return operator_func(self._struct, other._struct)

        elif isinstance(other, str):
            return operator_func(self._struct, parse_timestamp(other))

    def __le__(self, other):
        return self._operate(operator.le, other)

    def __lt__(self, other):
        return self._operate(, other)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self._operate(operator.eq, other)

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return self._operate(, other)

    def __ge__(self, other):
        return self._operate(, other)

    def __gt__(self, other):
        return self._operate(, other)

[docs] class Timer: """Timer ticking with a particular period. Parameters ---------- time_between_ticks : float Period between the ticks (in s). """ def __init__(self, time_between_ticks): self.time_between_ticks = time_between_ticks self.tstart = time.time() self.last_period = -1
[docs] def wait_tick(self): """Block till the next tick.""" tnow = time.time() tsleep = ( self.time_between_ticks - (tnow - self.tstart) % self.time_between_ticks ) this_period = int((tnow - self.tstart) / self.time_between_ticks) if this_period == self.last_period: self.last_period = this_period + 1 tsleep += self.time_between_ticks else: self.last_period = this_period time.sleep(tsleep) return time.time() - self.tstart
def restart(self): self.tstart = time.time() def get_time_till_start(self): return time.time() - self.tstart
[docs] class TimerIrregular(Timer): """Timer ticking for a numpy array of time. Parameters ---------- times_ticks: (sorted) sequence A sequence of times (in second), which can be irregular. """ def __init__(self, times_ticks): t0 = times_ticks[0] self.times_ticks = [ti - t0 for ti in times_ticks[1:]] self.tstart = time.time()
[docs] def wait_tick(self): """Block till the next tick.""" tnow = time.time() - self.tstart if self.times_ticks: while self.times_ticks and self.times_ticks[0] - tnow < 0: self.times_ticks = self.times_ticks[1:] if self.times_ticks: tsleep = self.times_ticks[0] - tnow self.times_ticks = self.times_ticks[1:] time.sleep(tsleep) return time.time() - self.tstart
if __name__ == "__main__": tstart = time.time() timer = Timer(2) for it in range(10): # print(it, end=' ') # time.sleep(float(it)/5) # print('before timer.wait_tick()', time.time()-timer.tstart) timer.wait_tick() # print('after timer.wait_tick()', time.time()-timer.tstart) tend = time.time() print(tend - tstart)