Source code for fluiddyn.util.serieofarrays

Serie of arrays

Provides classes to iterate over numbered files in a directory:

.. autoclass:: SerieOfArrays

.. autoclass:: SerieOfArraysFromFiles

.. autoclass:: SeriesOfArrays


import itertools
import os
import warnings
from copy import copy, deepcopy
from functools import wraps
from glob import escape, glob
from math import ceil, log10

from simpleeval import simple_eval

from import Path
from import extensions_movies, imread

    import pims
except ImportError:

def get_nb_arrays_in_file(fname):
    with as images:
        return images.len()


def _decompose_in_alpha_base(number):
    """Generate digits from `number` in base alphabet,
    least significant bits first.

    while number:
        number, remainder = divmod(number, ALPHABET_SIZE)
        yield remainder

def _letters_from_number(number):
    """Convert a number in base 26 to letters"""
    word = [_letter_from_number(idx) for idx in _decompose_in_alpha_base(number)]
    return "".join(word[::-1])

def _number_from_letters(letters):
    """Convert letters to an integer in base 26"""
    # assert ord("a") == 97
    letters = letters.lower()
    number = 0
    for i_letter, letter in enumerate(letters[::-1]):
        number += (ord(letter) - 97) * ALPHABET_SIZE**i_letter
    return number

def _number_from_letter(letter):
    """Convert a letter to a number in base 26"""
    # assert ord("a") == 97
    return ord(letter) - 97

def _letter_from_number(number):
    """Convert a number in base 26 to a letter"""
    # assert ord("a") == 97
    return chr(97 + number)


def compute_slices(str_slices):
    """Return a tuple of slices"""
    slices = []
    parts = str_slices.split(",")

    for part in parts:
            index = simple_eval(part)
        except SyntaxError:
            parts_slice = []
            for p in part.split(":"):
                if p.strip() == "":

            if not isinstance(index, int):
                raise ValueError

    return tuple(slices)

[docs] class SerieOfArrays: """Serie of arrays used for post-processing. Parameters ---------- path : str The path of the base directory or of a file example. Attributes ---------- path : str The path of the base directory. """ def __init__(self, path): path = os.path.expanduser(path) if os.path.isfile(path): self.path_dir, self.filename_given = os.path.split(path) elif os.path.isdir(path): self.path_dir = path sep = os.path.sep filelist = glob(path + sep + "*") filelist.sort() self.filename_given = filelist[0].split(sep)[-1] else: if len(path) == 0: raise ValueError( "The provided (empty) string does not point on any " "existing path." ) filelist = glob(path) if len(filelist) == 0: raise ValueError( "The provided string does not point on any existing path. " "The string is:\n" + path ) self.path_dir, self.filename_given = os.path.split(filelist[0]) path = os.path.join(self.path_dir, self.filename_given) if not os.path.isfile(path): raise ValueError( "The path given does not point towards a file " "but towards:\n" + path ) if "." in self.filename_given: # bad hack if "[" in self.filename_given: self.extension_file = self.filename_given.rsplit(".", 1)[-1] else: self.extension_file = ".".join(self.filename_given.split(".")[1:]) else: self.extension_file = ""
[docs] class SerieOfArraysFromFiles(SerieOfArrays): """Serie of arrays saved in files (images, netcdf, etc.). Parameters ---------- path : str The path of the base directory or of a file example. slicing : None or iterable of iterables or str Iterable of slides (start, stop, step). Can also be a string of the form "0:2:6, 1" (in this case for two indexes). Attributes ---------- path_dir : str The path of the base directory. get_slicing_tuples/set_slicing_tuples : list of tuples Lists of slicing tuples "(start, stop, step)" (one for each index). This list can be changed to loop over different sets of files. Notes ----- An instance of SerieOfArraysFromFiles is an iterable and provides other iterables. Use the function :func:`set_slicing_tuples` to specify the files over which iterate. """ def __init__(self, path, slicing=None): super().__init__(path) self.base_name = "".join( itertools.takewhile( lambda c: not c.isdigit(), self.filename_given[: -(1 + len(self.extension_file))], ) ) if len(self.base_name) > 0 and not self.base_name[-1].isalpha(): self.base_name = self.base_name[:-1] # remove base_name remains = str(self.filename_given[len(self.base_name) :]) # remove extension if self.extension_file != "": remains = remains[: -(1 + len(self.extension_file))] # separator between base and index if len(remains) > 0 and not remains[0].isdigit(): self._separator_base_index = remains[0] remains = remains[1:] else: self._separator_base_index = "" self._index_types = [] self._index_lens = [] self._index_separators = [] self._index_capitalized = [] while len(remains) != 0: if remains[0].isdigit(): test_type = str.isdigit self._index_types.append("digit") self._index_capitalized.append(None) elif remains[0].isalpha(): test_type = str.isalpha self._index_types.append("alpha") self._index_capitalized.append(not remains[0].islower()) str_index = "".join(itertools.takewhile(test_type, remains)) self._index_lens.append(len(str_index)) remains = remains[len(str_index) :] if len(remains) > 0: if not str.isalnum(remains[0]): self._index_separators.append(remains[0]) remains = remains[1:] else: self._index_separators.append("") if len(self._index_separators) < len(self._index_types): self._index_separators.append("") self.nb_indices_name_file = len(self._index_types) str_glob_indices = "" for separator in self._index_separators: str_glob_indices += "*" + escape(separator) str_glob = ( self.base_name + escape(self._separator_base_index) + str_glob_indices ) if self.extension_file != "": str_glob += "." + self.extension_file str_glob = os.path.join(self.path_dir, str_glob) paths = glob(str_glob) if not paths: raise ValueError( "There is no data in the provided path directory: " + str_glob ) file_names = [os.path.basename(p) for p in paths] file_names.sort() # for files containing more than one image if self.extension_file in extensions_movies: self._from_movies = True self.nb_indices = self.nb_indices_name_file + 1 if len(file_names) == 0: names = [] else: self._nb_arrays_file = {} self._nb_arrays_file[paths[0]] = self.nb_arrays_in_one_file = ( get_nb_arrays_in_file(paths[0]) ) self._format_index = ( "[{" + ":0{}d".format(int(ceil(log10(self.nb_arrays_in_one_file)))) + "}]" ) str_internal_index = [ self._format_index.format(i) for i in range(self.nb_arrays_in_one_file) ] names = [] for fname in file_names: names.extend(fname + s for s in str_internal_index) else: self._from_movies = False names = file_names self.nb_indices = self.nb_indices_name_file indices_all_files = [ self.compute_indices_from_name(name) for name in names ] self._slicing_tuples_all_files = [] tmp = list(zip(*indices_all_files)) for i_ind in range(self.nb_indices): self._slicing_tuples_all_files.append( tuple([min(tmp[i_ind]), max(tmp[i_ind]) + 1, 1]) ) self._slicing_input = slicing if isinstance(slicing, str): self.set_slicing_tuples_from_str(slicing) elif slicing is None: self._slicing_tuples = copy(self._slicing_tuples_all_files) else: self.set_slicing_tuples(*slicing) def __repr__(self): result = f"{type(self).__name__}('{self.path_dir}'" if self._slicing_input is not None: result += ", {self._slicing_input}" return result + f", slicing_tuples={self._slicing_tuples})" def get_separator_base_index(self): return self._separator_base_index def get_index_separators(self): return self._index_separators
[docs] def set_slicing_tuples_from_str(self, str_slices): """Set slicing_tuples from a string.""" slices = compute_slices(str_slices) slicing_tuples = [] for slice_ in slices: if isinstance(slice_, slice): step = slice_.step or 1 slicing_tuples.append((slice_.start, slice_.stop, step)) else: slicing_tuples.append(slice_) self.set_slicing_tuples(*slicing_tuples)
[docs] def get_arrays(self): """Get the arrays on the serie.""" return tuple(a for a in self.iter_arrays())
[docs] def get_name_files(self): """Get the names of the files of the serie.""" return tuple(n for n in self.iter_name_files())
[docs] def get_name_arrays(self): """Get the name of the arrays of the serie.""" return tuple(n for n in self.iter_name_arrays())
[docs] def get_array_from_name(self, name): """Get the array from its name.""" return imread(os.path.join(self.path_dir, name))
[docs] def get_array_from_indices(self, *indices): """Get an array from its indices. Parameters ---------- *indices : As many indices as used in the serie. For example with names of the form 'im100a.png', 2 indices are needed. """ return self.get_array_from_name(self.compute_name_from_indices(*indices))
[docs] def get_tuples_indices(self): """Get a list of tuples containing the indices computed from `self._slicing_tuples`""" return [ tuple(range(*start_stop_step)) for start_stop_step in self._slicing_tuples ]
[docs] def get_indices_from_index(self, index): """Get indices from a flatten index""" if self.nb_indices_name_file == 1: return tuple([range(*self._slicing_tuples[0])[index]]) elif self.nb_indices_name_file == 2: n0, n1 = [len(range(*_slice)) for _slice in self._slicing_tuples] i0 = range(*self._slicing_tuples[0])[index // n1] i1 = range(*self._slicing_tuples[1])[index % n1] return tuple([i0, i1]) # inefficient return tuple(self.iter_indices())[index]
[docs] def get_array_from_index(self, index): """Get the ith array of the serie. Parameters ---------- index: int Index of the array, for example 0 to get the first array. """ indices = self.get_indices_from_index(index) return self.get_array_from_indices(*indices)
[docs] def get_path_all_files(self): """Get all paths found from path_dir and base_name.""" str_glob = os.path.join(self.path_dir, self.base_name + "*") paths = glob(str_glob) paths.sort() return paths
[docs] def get_path_files(self): """Get all paths of the serie. If the serie is formed from arrays in one file, only one path is given. """ return ( os.path.join(self.path_dir, name) for name in self.get_name_files() )
[docs] def get_path_arrays(self): """Get all paths of the arrays of the serie. If the serie is formed from arrays in one file, ``len(path) == len(arrays)``. """ return ( os.path.join(self.path_dir, name) for name in self.get_name_arrays() )
[docs] def get_name_path_arrays(self): """Iterable returning tuples ``(name, path)``""" return ( (name, os.path.join(self.path_dir, name)) for name in self.get_name_arrays() )
[docs] def check_all_files_exist(self): """Check that all files exist.""" name_files = self.get_name_files() return all([self.isfile(name) for name in name_files])
[docs] def check_all_arrays_exist(self): """Check that all arrays exists.""" if not self._from_movies: return self.check_all_files_exist() if not self.check_all_files_exist(): return False for indices in self.iter_indices(): internal_index = indices[-1] if internal_index >= self.nb_arrays_in_one_file: return False for path in self.get_path_files(): if path not in self._nb_arrays_file: self._nb_arrays_file[path] = get_nb_arrays_in_file(path) if not all( self.nb_arrays_in_one_file == nb for nb in self._nb_arrays_file.values() ): return False return True
[docs] def iter_indices(self): """Iterator on the indices. ``len(indices) == self.nb_indices`` """ ranges = [range(*s) for s in self._slicing_tuples] for indices in itertools.product(*ranges): yield indices
def __len__(self): return sum(1 for _ in self.iter_indices())
[docs] def iter_name_files(self): """Iterator on the file names.""" names = set() for name in self.iter_name_arrays(): if name.endswith("]"): name = name.split("[")[0] if name not in names: names.add(name) yield name else: yield name
[docs] def iter_name_arrays(self): """Iterator on the array names.""" for indices in self.iter_indices(): yield self.compute_name_from_indices(*indices)
__iter__ = iter_name_arrays
[docs] def iter_path_files(self): """Iterator on the file paths.""" for name in self.iter_name_files(): yield os.path.join(self.path_dir, name)
[docs] def iter_arrays(self): """Iterator on the arrays of the serie.""" for name in self.iter_name_arrays(): yield self.get_array_from_name(name)
[docs] def get_tuple_array_name_from_index(self, index: int = 0): """Get an array and its name""" indices = self.get_indices_from_index(index) name = self.compute_name_from_indices(*indices) return self.get_array_from_name(name), name
[docs] def get_str_for_name_from_idim_idx(self, idim, idx): """Compute the str corresponding to the index ``idx`` for the dimension ``idim``""" if self._from_movies and idim == self.nb_indices - 1: return str(idx) if self._index_types[idim] == "digit": code_format = "{:0" + str(self._index_lens[idim]) + "d}" str_index = code_format.format(idx) elif self._index_types[idim] == "alpha": if idx <= 25: str_index = _letter_from_number(idx) else: str_index = _letters_from_number(idx) if len(str_index) != self._index_lens[idim]: str_index = ( "a" * (self._index_lens[idim] - len(str_index)) + str_index ) if self._index_capitalized[idim]: str_index = str_index.upper() else: raise ValueError('The type should be "digit" or "alpha".') return str_index
[docs] def compute_str_indices_from_indices(self, *indices): """Compute the string corresponding to the indices. Parameters ---------- indices: iterable of int. """ if self._from_movies: indices = indices[:-1] nb_indices = len(indices) if nb_indices != self.nb_indices_name_file: raise ValueError("nb_indices != self.nb_indices") str_indices = "" for idim in range(nb_indices): str_indices += ( self.get_str_for_name_from_idim_idx(idim, indices[idim]) + self._index_separators[idim] ) return str_indices
[docs] def compute_name_from_indices(self, *indices): """Compute a file name from a list of indices. Parameters ---------- indices: iterable of int. """ name = ( self.base_name + self._separator_base_index + self.compute_str_indices_from_indices(*indices) ) if self.extension_file != "": name += "." + self.extension_file if self._from_movies: name += self._format_index.format(indices[-1]) return name
[docs] def compute_indices_from_name(self, name): """Compute a list of indices from a file name. Parameters ---------- name: str Name of the array. """ str_indices = str(name[len(self.base_name) :]) if self._separator_base_index != "": str_indices = str_indices[1:] if str_indices.endswith("]"): str_indices, internal_index = str_indices.split("[") internal_index = int(internal_index[:-1]) else: internal_index = None if self.extension_file != "": str_indices = str_indices[: -(len(self.extension_file) + 1)] remains = str_indices indices = [] for i_ind in range(self.nb_indices_name_file): if self._index_types[i_ind] == "digit": test_type = str.isdigit elif self._index_types[i_ind] == "alpha": test_type = str.isalpha else: raise ValueError('The type should be "digit" or "alpha".') index = "".join(itertools.takewhile(test_type, remains)) remains = remains[len(index) :] if self._index_separators[i_ind] != "": remains = remains[1:] if self._index_types[i_ind] == "digit": index = int(index) elif self._index_types[i_ind] == "alpha": index = index.lower() if len(index) == 1: index = _number_from_letter(index) else: index = _number_from_letters(index) indices.append(index) if internal_index is not None: indices.append(internal_index) assert len(remains) == 0 return indices
[docs] def isfile(self, path): """Check whether a path or name corresponds to an existing file.""" if not os.path.isabs(path): path = os.path.join(self.path_dir, path) return os.path.exists(path)
[docs] def get_slicing_tuples_all_files(self): """Get nb_indices "slices" (to get all the arrays in the directory). The "slices" are tuples of size 1 (``(start,)``), 2 (``(start, stop)``) or 3 (``(start, stop, step)``). """ return self._slicing_tuples_all_files
[docs] def get_slicing_tuples(self): """Get nb_indices "slices" to get all the arrays of the serie. The "slices" are tuples of size 1 (``(start,)``), 2 (``(start, stop)``) or 3 (``(start, stop, step)``). """ return self._slicing_tuples
[docs] def set_slicing_tuples(self, *slicing_tuples): """Set the (nb_indices) "slicing tuples". The "slicing tuples" are tuples of size 1 (``(start,)``), 2 (``(start, stop)``) or 3 (``(start, stop, step)``). """ slicing_lists = list(slicing_tuples) if len(slicing_lists) != self.nb_indices: raise ValueError( "len(slicing_tuples) != self.nb_indices\n" "filename_given = {}\n".format(self.filename_given) + f"path_dir = {self.path_dir}" ) for i, islice in enumerate(slicing_lists): if isinstance(islice, tuple): slicing_lists[i] = list(islice) if isinstance(islice, int): slicing_lists[i] = [islice, islice + 1] elif len(islice) == 1: slicing_lists[i] = [islice[0], islice[0] + 1] for i, islice in enumerate(slicing_lists): for ii, index in enumerate(islice): if index is None: slicing_lists[i][ii] = self._slicing_tuples_all_files[i][ii] self._slicing_tuples = [tuple(slicing) for slicing in slicing_lists]
[docs] def get_nb_arrays(self): """Get the number of arrays in the serie.""" return len([i for i in self.iter_indices()])
[docs] def get_nb_files(self): """Get the number of files of the serie.""" return len(self.get_name_files())
def add_depreciated_function(cls, name): """Add a depreciated function like get_index_slices""" assert "index_slices" in name new_name = name.replace("index_slices", "slicing_tuples") message = f"Call to deprecated function {name}. Use {new_name} instead." new_func = getattr(cls, new_name) @wraps(new_func) def _new_func(*args, **kwargs): warnings.warn(message, category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return new_func(*args, **kwargs) setattr(cls, name, _new_func) for name in [ "get_index_slices", "get_index_slices_all_files", "set_index_slices", "set_index_slices_from_str", ]: add_depreciated_function(SerieOfArraysFromFiles, name) class SlicingTuplesFromIndexSerie: def __init__(self, str_slices, serie): self.str_ranges = [s.strip() for s in str_slices.split(",")] self.starts = [s[0] for s in serie.get_slicing_tuples()] def __call__(self, index): slicing_tuples = [] for idim, str_range in enumerate(self.str_ranges): indslice = [] slicing_tuples.append(indslice) for ii, s in enumerate(str_range.split(":")): if s.strip() == "": if ii == 0: indslice.append(self.starts[idim]) elif ii == 1: indslice.append(None) elif ii > 2: raise ValueError else: indslice.append(simple_eval(s, names={"i": index})) return slicing_tuples class OutOfRangeError(IndexError): """Specific IndexError""" class SlicingTuplesFromIndexSerieAll1By1: def __init__(self, serie): slicing_tuples = serie._slicing_tuples self.n0, self.n1 = [len(range(*_slice)) for _slice in slicing_tuples] self.range0 = range(*slicing_tuples[0]) self.range1 = range(*slicing_tuples[1]) def __call__(self, index): try: i0 = self.range0[index // self.n1] except IndexError as error: raise OutOfRangeError from error i1 = self.range1[index % self.n1] return [(i0, i0 + 1), (i1, i1 + 1)]
[docs] class SeriesOfArrays: """Series of arrays. This class can be used to produce series of arrays from a :class:`SerieOfArrays`. Parameters ---------- serie: SerieOfArrays or str slicing_tuples_from_indserie: str or function The function has to take an integer and to return an iterable of "slicing tuples" used to compute a file name. """ def __init__( self, serie, slicing_tuples_from_indserie=None, ind_start="first", ind_stop=None, ind_step=1, ): serie_input = serie slicing_tuples_from_indserie_input = slicing_tuples_from_indserie if isinstance(serie, (str, Path)): serie = str(serie) self.serie = serie = SerieOfArraysFromFiles(serie) elif isinstance(serie, SerieOfArraysFromFiles): self.serie = serie = deepcopy(serie) else: raise ValueError("serie should be a str or a SerieOfArraysFromFiles.") if slicing_tuples_from_indserie == "pairs": if serie.nb_indices == 1: (s0,) = serie.get_slicing_tuples() slicing_tuples_from_indserie = f"i+{s0[0]}:i+{s0[0]+2}" elif serie.nb_indices == 2: indices0, indices1 = serie.get_tuples_indices() s0, s1 = serie.get_slicing_tuples() if len(indices1) == 2: slicing_tuples_from_indserie = f"i+{s0[0]}, {s1[0]}:{s1[1]}" elif len(indices0) == 2: slicing_tuples_from_indserie = f"{s0[0]}:{s0[1]}, i+{s1[0]}" else: raise ValueError( f"Do not know how to form pairs with serie {serie}" ) else: raise ValueError( "slicing_tuples_from_indserie=='pairs' and nb_indices>2" ) elif slicing_tuples_from_indserie == "all1by1": if serie.nb_indices == 1: (s0,) = serie.get_slicing_tuples() slicing_tuples_from_indserie = f"i+{s0[0]}:i+{s0[0]+1}" elif serie.nb_indices == 2: slicing_tuples_from_indserie = SlicingTuplesFromIndexSerieAll1By1( serie ) else: raise ValueError( "slicing_tuples_from_indserie=='all1by1' and nb_indices>2" ) elif slicing_tuples_from_indserie is None: slicing_tuples_from_indserie = "i:i+1" for i in range(serie.nb_indices - 1): slicing_tuples_from_indserie += ",:" if isinstance(slicing_tuples_from_indserie, str): slicing_tuples_from_indserie = SlicingTuplesFromIndexSerie( slicing_tuples_from_indserie, serie ) if slicing_tuples_from_indserie(0) == slicing_tuples_from_indserie(1): raise ValueError( "It seems that the function slicing_tuples_from_indserie " "does not depend on the index." ) self.slicing_tuples_from_indserie = slicing_tuples_from_indserie if ind_start == "first": ind_start = 0 while not self.check_all_arrays_serie_exist(ind_start): ind_start += 1 if ind_start > MAX_SEARCH_INDEX_START: raise RuntimeError( "Maximum iteration reached for search of ind_start." ) if ind_stop is None: iserie = ind_start while self.check_all_arrays_serie_exist(iserie): iserie += 1 iserie -= 1 else: if len(range(ind_start, ind_stop, ind_step)) == 0: raise ValueError("len(range(ind_start, ind_stop, ind_step)) == 0") for iserie in range(ind_start, ind_stop, ind_step): if not self.check_all_arrays_serie_exist(iserie): break ind_stop = iserie + 1 self.nb_series = len(list(range(ind_start, ind_stop, ind_step))) self.iserie = ind_start self.ind_start = ind_start self.ind_stop = ind_stop self.ind_step = ind_step serie.set_slicing_tuples(*self.slicing_tuples_from_indserie(self.iserie)) _print_warning = False if not serie.check_all_arrays_exist(): _print_warning = True print( "warning: this SeriesOfArrays has been initialized with " "parameters such that the first serie if not complete." ) if self.nb_series == 0: _print_warning = True print( "warning: this SeriesOfArrays has been initialized with " "parameters such that no serie of images has been found." ) if _print_warning: print( f"serie='{serie_input}',\n" f"slicing_tuples_from_indserie='{slicing_tuples_from_indserie_input}', " f"{ind_start=}, {ind_stop=}, {ind_step=}." ) def __repr__(self): return f"{type(self).__name__}({self.serie})" def check_all_arrays_serie_exist(self, index_serie): try: slicing_tuples = self.slicing_tuples_from_indserie(index_serie) except OutOfRangeError: return False self.serie.set_slicing_tuples(*slicing_tuples) return self.serie.check_all_arrays_exist() def __iter__(self): if not hasattr(self, "index_series"): self.index_series = range( self.ind_start, self.ind_stop, self.ind_step ) for iserie in self.index_series: self.serie.set_slicing_tuples( *self.slicing_tuples_from_indserie(iserie) ) yield self.serie def items(self): if not hasattr(self, "index_series"): self.index_series = range( self.ind_start, self.ind_stop, self.ind_step ) for iserie in self.index_series: self.serie.set_slicing_tuples( *self.slicing_tuples_from_indserie(iserie) ) yield iserie, self.serie def __len__(self): return len([s for s in self])
[docs] def set_index_series(self, index_series): """Set the indices corresponding to the series. Parameters ---------- index_series : sequence of int """ self.index_series = index_series
[docs] def get_next_serie(self): """Get the next serie.""" if self.iserie < self.ind_stop: self.serie.set_slicing_tuples( *self.slicing_tuples_from_indserie(self.iserie) ) self.iserie += 1 return self.serie
[docs] def get_serie_from_index(self, index): """Get a serie from an index.""" self.serie.set_slicing_tuples(*self.slicing_tuples_from_indserie(index)) return self.serie
[docs] def get_name_all_files(self): """Get all file names.""" names_all = [] for serie in self: names = serie.get_name_files() for name in names: if name not in names_all: names_all.append(name) return names_all
[docs] def get_name_all_arrays(self): """Get all array names.""" names_all = [] for serie in self: names = serie.get_name_arrays() for name in names: if name not in names_all: names_all.append(name) return names_all