Source code for fluiddyn.util.paramcontainer

"""Container for parameters (:mod:`fluiddyn.util.paramcontainer`)

.. currentmodule:: fluiddyn.util.paramcontainer


.. autoclass:: ParamContainer


import os
import re
from ast import literal_eval
from copy import deepcopy
from io import open
from typing import Any, Dict

import numpy as np

from import Path
from fluiddyn.util.xmltotext import produce_text_element

    from lxml import etree
except ImportError:
    import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree

    import h5py

    from import H5File
except ImportError:
    from warnings import warn

        "Cannot import h5py. Loading from and writing to HDF5 files will not"

def _as_str(value):
    if isinstance(value, Path):
        return str(value)
    elif isinstance(value, str):
        return value
        return repr(value)

def _as_code(value):
    if isinstance(value, Path):
        return f'Path(r"{str(value)}")'
    elif isinstance(value, str):
        return f'"{value}"'
        return repr(value)

def _as_value(value):
    if value.startswith("array("):
        # -1 to remove the last ")"
        code = value.strip()[len("array(") : -1]
        dtype = None
        if "dtype=" in code:
            code, code_dtype = code.split("dtype=")
            code = code.strip()[:-1]
                dtype = np.dtype(code_dtype)
            except TypeError:
        obj = literal_eval(code)
        return np.array(obj, dtype=dtype)

    if "\t" in value:
        return value

        return literal_eval(value)

    except (SyntaxError, ValueError):
        return value

def sanitize_for_json(d: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """JSON rendering requires values in the dictionary to be a basic type.

    That is the allowed types are ``{str, int, float, bool, None}``. If not,
    sanitize beforehand.


    def is_not_allowed(value):
        allowed_types = (str, int, float, bool)
        return not (value is None or isinstance(value, allowed_types))

    for key, value in d.items():
        if isinstance(value, dict):
            d[key] = sanitize_for_json(value)  # recurse

        elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
            d[key] = [_as_str(v) if is_not_allowed(v) else v for v in value]

        elif is_not_allowed(value):
            d[key] = _as_str(value)

    return d

[docs] class ParamContainer: """Structured container of values. The objects ParamContainer can be used as containers of parameters. They can be printed as xml text. They are used to contain parameters that can be modified by the user, for example in this way:: >>> params = ParamContainer(tag='params') >>> params._set_attribs({'a0': 1, 'a1': 1}) >>> params._set_attrib('a2', 1) >>> params._print_as_xml() <params a1="1" a0="1" a2="1"/> >>> params._set_child('child0', {'a0': 2, 'a1': 2}) >>> params.child0.a0 = 3 >>> params._print_as_xml() <params a1="1" a0="1" a2="1"> <child0 a1="2" a0="3"/> </params> Here, ``params.child0`` is another ParamContainer. An interesting feature of the ParamContainer objects is that if one uses a non-existing parameter, an AttributeError is raised:: >>> params.a3 = 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-9-a91118d8b23e> in <module>() ----> 1 params.child1.a0 = 3 AttributeError: a3 is not already set in params. The attributes are: set(['a1', 'a0', 'a2']) To set a new attribute, use _set_attrib or _set_attribs. Note that for a parameter container, it is much better to raise an error rather than just add an unused parameter! A ParamContainer object can be saved in xml and in hdf5 and then reloaded from the file:: >>> params._save_as_xml() >>> params_loaded = ParamContainer(path_file=params._tag + '.xml') >>> assert params_loaded == params Parameters ---------- (for the __init__ method) tag : (None) str A tag for the root container. attribs : (None) dict Some attributes. path_file : (None) str Path of a file (xml or hdf5). elemxml : (None) xml.etree.ElementTree.Element An xml element. hdf5_object : (None) file An open hdf5 file. """ def __init__( self, tag=None, attribs=None, path_file=None, elemxml=None, hdf5_object=None, doc="", parent=None, ): self._set_internal_attr("_key_attribs", list()) self._set_internal_attr("_tag_children", list()) self._set_internal_attr("_parent", parent) self._set_doc(doc) if path_file is not None: path_file = str(path_file) self._set_internal_attr("_path_file", path_file) if path_file.endswith(".xml"): self._load_from_xml_file(path_file) elif path_file.endswith(".h5"): self._load_from_hdf5_file(path_file) elif elemxml is not None: self._load_from_elemxml(elemxml) elif hdf5_object is not None: self._load_from_hdf5_object(hdf5_object) elif tag is not None: self._set_internal_attr("_tag", tag) else: raise ValueError( "To create an empty ParamContainer, a tag has to be provided." ) if attribs is not None: self._set_attribs(attribs) def __setattr__(self, key, value): if key in self._key_attribs: self._set_internal_attr(key, value) elif key in self._tag_children: if not isinstance(value, ParamContainer): raise AttributeError(key + " is a tag of a child.") else: raise AttributeError( key + " is not already set in " + self._tag + ".\nThe attributes are: " + str(self._key_attribs) + "\nTo set a new attribute, use _set_attrib or _set_attribs." ) def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr.startswith("_"): raise AttributeError( f"{self.__class__} object has no attribute {attr}" ) else: raise AttributeError( attr + " is not an attribute of " + self._tag + ".\nThe attributes are: " + str(self._key_attribs) + "\nThe children are: " + str(self._tag_children) ) def __setitem__(self, key, value): if "." in key: first_part, second_part = key.split(".", 1) self[first_part].__setitem__(second_part, value) else: self.__setattr__(key, value) def __getitem__(self, key): if "." in key: first_part, second_part = key.split(".", 1) return self.__getitem__(first_part)[second_part] return self.__getattribute__(key) def _set_internal_attr(self, key, value): self.__dict__[key] = value def _set_doc(self, doc): self._set_internal_attr("_doc", doc) def _contains_doc(self): if len(self._doc) > 0: return True for tag in self._tag_children: if self[tag]._contains_doc(): return True return False def _get_formatted_doc(self): full_tag = self._make_full_tag() txt = "Documentation for " + full_tag nb_points = full_tag.count(".") if nb_points == 0: char = "=" elif nb_points == 1: char = "-" elif nb_points == 2: char = "~" else: char = "^" txt += "\n" + char * len(txt) + "\n" doc = self._doc.strip() if len(doc) == 0: return txt + "\n" if len(doc) > 0: txt += "\n" txt += doc if len(doc) > 0: txt += "\n" return txt def _print_doc(self): print(self._get_formatted_doc()) def _get_formatted_docs(self): txt = self._get_formatted_doc() for tag in self._tag_children: if not txt.endswith("\n\n"): txt += "\n" txt += self[tag]._get_formatted_docs() return txt def _print_docs(self): print(self._get_formatted_docs()) def _make_full_tag(self): if self._parent is None: return self._tag else: return self._parent._make_full_tag() + "." + self._tag
[docs] def _set_attrib(self, key, value): """Add an attribute to the container.""" self.__dict__[key] = value self._key_attribs.append(key)
[docs] def _set_attribs(self, d): """Add the attributes to the container.""" for k, v in list(d.items()): self._set_attrib(k, v)
def _get_key_attribs(self): self._key_attribs.sort() return self._key_attribs
[docs] def _set_child(self, tag, attribs=None, doc=None): """Add a child (of the same class) to the container.""" if tag in self.__dict__: raise ValueError(f'The tag "{tag}" is already used.') self.__dict__[tag] = self.__class__(tag=tag, attribs=attribs, parent=self) self._tag_children.append(tag) child = getattr(self, tag) if doc is not None: child._set_doc(doc) return child
[docs] def _set_as_child(self, child, change_parent=True): """Associate a ParamContainer as a child.""" if not isinstance(child, ParamContainer): raise ValueError("child should be a ParamContainer instance.") if child._tag in self.__dict__: raise ValueError(f'The tag "{child._tag}" is already used.') self.__dict__[child._tag] = child if change_parent: child._set_internal_attr("_parent", self) self._tag_children.append(child._tag)
def _make_dict_attribs(self): d = {} for k in self._key_attribs: d[k] = self.__dict__[k] return d def _make_dict(self): self._key_attribs.sort() d = { "tag": self._tag, "key_attribs": self._key_attribs, "tag_children": self._tag_children, } attribs = d["attribs"] = [] for k in self._key_attribs: attribs.append(self.__dict__[k]) children = d["children"] = [] for k in self._tag_children: children.append(self.__dict__[k]._make_dict()) return d
[docs] def _make_dict_tree(self): """A tree-like nested dictionary, including attributes and children.""" d = self._make_dict_attribs() for k in self._tag_children: d[k] = self.__dict__[k]._make_dict_tree() return d
def __eq__(self, other): return self._make_dict_tree() == other._make_dict_tree() def __sub__(self, other): """Subtract and return an ParamContainer to understand differences.""" if self == other: return None this = deepcopy(self) for k in self._key_attribs: if self.__dict__[k] == other.__dict__[k]: this.__dict__.pop(k) this._key_attribs.remove(k) for k in self._tag_children: this.__dict__[k] = self.__dict__[k] - other.__dict__[k] if this.__dict__[k] is None: this.__dict__.pop(k) this._tag_children.remove(k) return this def _make_element_xml(self, parentxml=None): if parentxml is None: elemxml = etree.Element(self._tag) else: elemxml = etree.SubElement(parentxml, self._tag) self._key_attribs.sort() for key in self._key_attribs: elemxml.attrib[key] = _as_str(self.__dict__[key]) if hasattr(self, "_value_text"): elemxml.text = str(self._value_text) for key in self._tag_children: child = self.__dict__[key] child._make_element_xml(elemxml) return elemxml
[docs] def _make_xml_text(self): """Produce and return a xml text representing the container.""" elemxml = self._make_element_xml() return produce_text_element(elemxml)
[docs] def _print_as_xml(self): """Print the xml text representing the container.""" print(self._make_xml_text())
def __repr__(self): return super().__repr__() + "\n\n" + self._make_xml_text() def _print_as_code(self): print(self._as_code()) def _as_code(self): code = "\n".join(self.__make_lines_code()) imports = None if " array(" in code: imports = "from numpy import array\n" if " Path(" in code: imports += "from pathlib import Path\n" if imports is not None: code = imports + "\n" + code return code def __make_lines_code(self): lines = [] tag = self._tag self._key_attribs.sort() for key in self._key_attribs: attr = getattr(self, key) lines.append(f"{tag}.{key} = {_as_code(attr)}") for key in self._tag_children: child = getattr(self, key) lines_child = child.__make_lines_code() if lines_child: lines.extend(f"{tag}.{line}" for line in lines_child) return lines def _repr_json_(self): data = self._make_dict_tree() data = sanitize_for_json(data) this_id = hex(id(self)) metadata = { "root": f"{self._tag} of {self.__class__} at {this_id}", "expanded": True, } return data, metadata def _load_from_xml_file(self, path_file): tree = etree.parse(path_file) elemxml = tree.getroot() self._load_from_elemxml(elemxml) def _load_from_elemxml(self, elemxml): self._set_internal_attr("_tag", elemxml.tag) text = elemxml.text if text is not None: v = text.strip() if len(v) > 0: self._set_internal_attr("_value_text", _as_value(v)) for k, v in list(elemxml.attrib.items()): self._set_attrib(k, _as_value(v)) self._key_attribs.sort() tags_multiple = [] for childxml in elemxml: tag = childxml.tag children = [c for c in elemxml if c.tag == tag] if len(children) > 1 or tag in tags_multiple: if tag not in tags_multiple: tags_multiple.append(tag) if len(childxml.attrib) == 1: k = list(childxml.attrib.keys())[0] tag += "_" + str(childxml.attrib.pop(k)) childxml.tag = tag self._set_internal_attr( tag, self.__class__(elemxml=childxml, parent=self) ) self._tag_children.append(tag)
[docs] def _save_as_xml(self, path_file=None, comment=None, find_new_name=False): """Save the xml text in a file.""" if path_file is None: path_file = self._tag + ".xml" if os.path.exists(path_file): if not find_new_name: raise ValueError(f"The file {path_file} already exists.") else: base = path_file.split(".xml")[0] i = 1 while os.path.exists(base + f"_{i}.xml"): i += 1 path_file = base + f"_{i}.xml" with open(path_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: if comment is not None: try: comment = comment.decode("utf-8") except (AttributeError, UnicodeEncodeError): pass f.write("<!--\n" + comment + "\n-->\n") f.write(self._make_xml_text()) return path_file
[docs] def _save_as_hdf5( self, path_file=None, hdf5_object=None, hdf5_parent=None, invalid_netcdf=False, ): """Save in a hdf5 file.""" if hdf5_parent is not None: hdf5_object = hdf5_parent.create_group(self._tag) if hdf5_object is None: if path_file is None: path_file = "" if not path_file.endswith(".h5"): path_file = os.path.join(path_file, self._tag + ".h5") with H5File(path_file, "w") as f: try: tag = self._tag.encode("utf8") except AttributeError: tag = self._tag f.attrs["_tag"] = tag self._save_as_hdf5(hdf5_object=f) elif path_file is None: for key in self._key_attribs: value = self.__dict__[key] if value is None: value = "None" try: value = value.encode("utf8") except (AttributeError, UnicodeDecodeError): pass if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): value_tmp = [] for v in value: try: v_tmp = v.encode("utf8") except AttributeError: v_tmp = v value_tmp.append(v_tmp) if isinstance(value, tuple): value = tuple(value_tmp) else: value = value_tmp if not invalid_netcdf and isinstance(value, bool): value = int(value) if isinstance(value, Path): value = str(value) try: hdf5_object.attrs[key] = value except TypeError: print(key, value, type(value)) raise for key in self._tag_children: group = hdf5_object.create_group(key) self.__dict__[key]._save_as_hdf5(hdf5_object=group) else: raise ValueError( "If hdf5_object is not None," "path_file should be None." )
def _load_from_hdf5_file(self, path_file): with H5File(path_file, "r") as f: self._load_from_hdf5_object(f) def _load_from_hdf5_object(self, hdf5_object): attrs = dict(hdf5_object.attrs) for k, v in list(attrs.items()): if isinstance(v, np.integer): attrs[k] = int(v) continue try: attrs[k] = v.decode("utf8") except AttributeError: pass if isinstance(v, np.ndarray) and v.dtype.kind in ("S", "U", "O"): attrs[k] = list(v.astype(np.compat.unicode)) tag ="/")[-1] if tag == "": try: tag = hdf5_object.attrs["_tag"] attrs.pop("_tag") except KeyError: tag = "root_file" try: tag = tag.decode("utf8") except AttributeError: pass self._set_internal_attr("_tag", tag) # detect None attributes for k, v in list(attrs.items()): if isinstance(v, str) and v == "None": attrs[k] = None for key in list(attrs.keys()): if " " in key: attrs[key.replace(" ", "_")] = attrs.pop(key) self._set_attribs(attrs) for tag in list(hdf5_object.keys()): if isinstance(hdf5_object[tag], h5py.Dataset): value = hdf5_object[tag][...] self._set_attrib(tag, value) elif isinstance(hdf5_object[tag], h5py.Group): self.__dict__[tag] = self.__class__( hdf5_object=hdf5_object[tag], parent=self ) self._tag_children.append(tag)
[docs] def _modif_from_other_params(self, params): """Modify the object with another similar container.""" for key in params._key_attribs: try: self[key] = params[key] except AttributeError: pass for tag_child in params._tag_children: try: self[tag_child]._modif_from_other_params(params[tag_child]) except AttributeError: pass
def _pop_attrib(self, name): self._key_attribs.remove(name) return self.__dict__.pop(name)
def tidy_container(cont): """Modify the names in a ParamContainer and its organization.""" newtag = convert_capword_to_lowercaseunderscore(cont._tag) cont._set_internal_attr("_tag", newtag) for i, oldtag in enumerate(cont._tag_children): newtag = convert_capword_to_lowercaseunderscore(oldtag) cont._tag_children[i] = newtag cont.__dict__[newtag] = cont.__dict__.pop(oldtag) if isinstance(cont.__dict__[newtag], str): print(cont.__dict__[newtag]) tidy_container(cont.__dict__[newtag]) tag_child_to_remove = [] for tag in cont._tag_children: child = cont.__dict__[tag] if len(child._tag_children) == 0 and len(child._key_attribs) == 0: try: value_text = child._value_text except AttributeError: value_text = "" cont.__dict__.pop(tag) tag_child_to_remove.append(tag) cont._set_attrib(tag, value_text) for tag in tag_child_to_remove: cont._tag_children.remove(tag) def convert_capword_to_lowercaseunderscore(name): s1 = re.sub("(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)", r"\1_\2", name) return re.sub("([a-z0-9])([A-Z])", r"\1_\2", s1).lower() if __name__ == "__main__": # params = ParamContainer(tag='params') # params._set_attrib('a0', 1) # params._set_attribs({'a1': 1, 'a2': 1}) # params._set_child('child0', {'a0': 2, 'a1': 2}) # params2 = ParamContainer(tag='params') # params2._set_attribs({'a1': 1, 'a2': 1}) # params2._set_attrib('a0', 1) # params2._set_child('child0', {'a0': 2, 'a1': 2}) # assert params == params2 # c1 = ParamContainer(tag='child1') # c1._set_attrib('a0', 10) # params._set_as_child(c1) # print(params) # assert params != params2 params = ParamContainer(tag="params") params._set_attribs({"a0": 1, "a1": 1}) params._set_attrib("a2", 1) params._print_as_xml() params._set_child("child0", {"a0": 2, "a1": 2}) params.child0.a0 = 3 params._print_as_xml() # params.a3 = 3 # params.child0 = 3 params._save_as_xml() params_loaded = ParamContainer(path_file=params._tag + ".xml") os.remove(params._tag + ".xml") assert params_loaded == params