Source code for

IO for NS3D files (:mod:``)

.. currentmodule::

Provides the classes :class:`NS3DFieldFile`.

.. autoclass:: NS3DFieldFile


import sys

import numpy as np

from .binary import BinFile

def print_with_emptyend(s):
    print(s, end="")

class NS3DFile:
    """Fields in a NS3D binary file."""

    def __init__(self, path_file=None):
        if path_file is not None:
            self.path_file = path_file
            self.byteorder = self._get_byte_order()

    def _get_byte_order(self):
        with BinFile(self.path_file, byteorder="little") as f:
            trash, flag = f.readt(2, "I")
        if flag == 1:
            return "little"

        with BinFile(self.path_file, byteorder="big") as f:
            trash, flag = f.readt(2, "I")
        if flag == 1:
            return "big"

            raise ValueError("This file does not look like a ns3d file.")

[docs] class NS3DFieldFile(NS3DFile): """Fields in a NS3D binary file.""" nb_bytes_header = 148 def _read_header(self): """Read the header of the file.""" with BinFile(self.path_file, byteorder=self.byteorder) as f: trash, flag, self.nx, self.ny, = f.readt(5, "uint32") self.lx,, self.lz, self.dt = f.readt(4, "float64") self.truncate, self.type_trunc = f.readt(2, "uint32") (self.rtrunc_x, self.rtrunc_y, self.rtrunc_z, = f.readt( 4, "float64" ) self.stratification = f.readt(1, "uint32") self.N, self.schm, self.omega2 = f.readt(3, "float64") self.perturb, self.lin, trash, trash = f.readt(4, "uint32") self.time = f.readt(1, "float64") self.shape = (self.nx, self.ny, if not self.stratification: self.N == 0 self.Re = np.round(1.0 /, decimals=2) self.Fh = np.round(1.0 / self.N, decimals=4) def read_field(self, ifield=0): nb_pts_one_field = self.nx * self.ny * field = np.empty([, self.ny, self.nx]) with BinFile(self.path_file, byteorder=self.byteorder) as f: + ifield * (nb_pts_one_field + 1) * 8 + 4) for iz in range( field[iz] = np.array( f.readt(self.nx * self.ny, "float64") ).reshape([self.ny, self.nx]) return field def read_xy(self, ifield=0, iz=0): nb_pts_one_field = self.nx * self.ny * with BinFile(self.path_file, byteorder=self.byteorder) as f: self.nb_bytes_header + ifield * (nb_pts_one_field + 1) * 8 + 4 + self.nx * self.ny * iz * 8 ) field = np.array(f.readt(self.nx * self.ny, "float64")) return field.reshape([self.ny, self.nx]) def save_with_byteorder_changed(self): if self.byteorder.startswith("little"): newbyteorder = "big" elif self.byteorder.startswith("big"): newbyteorder = "little" else: raise ValueError("byteorder should start with little or big.") new_path = self.path_file + "_" + newbyteorder + "-endian" nb_pts = self.nx * self.ny * with BinFile(new_path, "w", byteorder=newbyteorder) as f: # write the header f.write_as([124, 1, self.nx, self.ny,], "uint32") f.write_as([self.lx,, self.lz, self.dt], "float64") f.write_as([self.truncate, self.type_trunc], "uint32") f.write_as( [self.rtrunc_x, self.rtrunc_y, self.rtrunc_z,], "float64" ) f.write_as(self.stratification, "uint32") f.write_as([self.N, self.schm, self.omega2], "float64") f.write_as([self.perturb, self.lin, 124], "uint32") # write the time f.write_as(8, "uint32") f.write_as(self.time, "float64") f.write_as(8, "uint32") # write the 6 fields for ifield in range(7): try: field = self.read_field(ifield) except ValueError: break f.write_as(nb_pts, "uint32") f.write_as(field.flatten(), "float64") f.write_as(nb_pts, "uint32") print("New file saved:\n" + new_path) def save_with_resol_changed(self, nx_new, ny_new, nz_new): from ..calcul import easypyfft print_with_emptyend("init. FFTW3DReal2Complex for input file...") op = easypyfft.FFTW3DReal2Complex(self.nx, self.ny, print(" Done.") print_with_emptyend("init. FFTW3DReal2Complex for output file...") op_new = easypyfft.FFTW3DReal2Complex(nx_new, ny_new, nz_new) print(" Done.") new_path = self.path_file + f"_{nx_new}x{ny_new}x{nz_new}" nb_pts = nx_new * ny_new * nz_new with BinFile(new_path, "w", byteorder=self.byteorder) as f: # write the header f.write_as([124, 1, nx_new, ny_new, nz_new], "uint32") f.write_as([self.lx,, self.lz, self.dt], "float64") f.write_as([self.truncate, self.type_trunc], "uint32") f.write_as( [self.rtrunc_x, self.rtrunc_y, self.rtrunc_z,], "float64" ) f.write_as(self.stratification, "uint32") f.write_as([self.N, self.schm, self.omega2], "float64") f.write_as([self.perturb, self.lin, 124], "uint32") # write the time f.write_as(8, "uint32") f.write_as(self.time, "float64") f.write_as(8, "uint32") # write the 4 fields for ifield in range(4): print(f"treat field {ifield} (over 4)") print_with_emptyend(" read_field...") try: field = self.read_field(ifield) except ValueError: break print_with_emptyend(" Done.\n _compute_field_new_resol...") field_new = self._compute_field_new_resol(field, op, op_new) del field print_with_emptyend( " Done.\n write the array in the new file..." ) f.write_as(nb_pts, "uint32") f.write_as(field_new.flat, "float64") del field_new print(" Done.") f.write_as(nb_pts, "uint32") print("New file saved:\n" + new_path) def _compute_field_new_resol(self, field, op, op_new): nz_new, ny_new, nx_new = op_new.shapeK nx_min = min(self.nx, nx_new) ny_min = min(self.ny, ny_new) nz_min = min(, nz_new) f_Fourier = op.fft(field) f_Fourier_new = np.zeros(op_new.shapeK, dtype=np.complex128) nkx = nx_min // 2 + 1 # for z and y, we take advantage of the "from the end" Python # index notation: for iz in [0, nz_min // 2]: for iy in [0, ny_min // 2]: for ix in range(nkx): f_Fourier_new[iz, iy, ix] = f_Fourier[iz, iy, ix] for iy in range(1, ny_min // 2): for ix in range(nkx): f_Fourier_new[iz, iy, ix] = f_Fourier[iz, iy, ix] f_Fourier_new[iz, -iy, ix] = f_Fourier[iz, -iy, ix] for iz in range(1, nz_min // 2): for iy in [0, ny_min // 2]: for ix in range(nkx): f_Fourier_new[iz, iy, ix] = f_Fourier[iz, iy, ix] f_Fourier_new[-iz, iy, ix] = f_Fourier[-iz, iy, ix] for iy in range(1, ny_min // 2): for ix in range(nkx): f_Fourier_new[iz, iy, ix] = f_Fourier[iz, iy, ix] f_Fourier_new[iz, -iy, ix] = f_Fourier[iz, -iy, ix] f_Fourier_new[-iz, iy, ix] = f_Fourier[-iz, iy, ix] f_Fourier_new[-iz, -iy, ix] = f_Fourier[-iz, -iy, ix] return op_new.ifft(f_Fourier_new)
class NS3DForcingInfoFile(NS3DFile): """Information on forcing NS3D binary file.""" def _read_header(self): """Read the header of the file.""" with BinFile(self.path_file, byteorder=self.byteorder) as f: trash, flag = f.readt(2, "uint32") self.lx,, self.Delta_t = f.readt(3, "float64") ( self.nb_fields, self.nb_Delta_t, self.nkx, self.nky, trash, trash2, ) = f.readt(6, "uint32") self.vec_ind_field = f.readt(self.nb_Delta_t, "uint32") def save_with_byteorder_changed(self): if self.byteorder.startswith("little"): newbyteorder = "big" elif self.byteorder.startswith("big"): newbyteorder = "little" else: raise ValueError("byteorder should start with little or big.") new_path = self.path_file + "_" + newbyteorder + "-endian" with BinFile(new_path, "w", byteorder=newbyteorder) as f: f.write_as([44, 1], "uint32") f.write_as([self.lx,, self.Delta_t], "float64") f.write_as( [ self.nb_fields, self.nb_Delta_t, self.nkx, self.nky, 44, self.nb_Delta_t * 4, ], "uint32", ) f.write_as(self.vec_ind_field, "uint32") f.write_as(self.nb_Delta_t * 4, "uint32") print("New file saved:\n" + new_path) class NS3DForcingSpectralFile: """Fields in a NS3D binary file.""" def __init__(self, path_file): if "" not in path_file: raise ValueError('"" should be in path_file.') base, suffix = tuple(path_file.split("")) path_file_info = base + "" + suffix f_info = NS3DForcingInfoFile(path_file_info) self.path_file = path_file self.byteorder = f_info.byteorder self.nkx = f_info.nkx self.nky = f_info.nky self.nb_fields = f_info.nb_fields def read_one_forcing_field(self, iforcing): if iforcing < 0 or iforcing > self.nb_fields - 1: raise ValueError("iforcing should be >=0 and <self.nb_fields-1.") with BinFile(self.path_file, byteorder=self.byteorder) as f: * iforcing * 2 * self.nkx * self.nky * 8) tdata = f.readt(3 * 2 * self.nkx * self.nky, "float64") return tdata def save_with_byteorder_changed(self): if self.byteorder.startswith("little"): newbyteorder = "big" elif self.byteorder.startswith("big"): newbyteorder = "little" else: raise ValueError("byteorder should start with little or big.") new_path = self.path_file + "_" + newbyteorder + "-endian" with BinFile(new_path, "w", byteorder=newbyteorder) as f: for iforcing in range(self.nb_fields): tdata = self.read_one_forcing_field(iforcing) f.write_as(tdata, "float64") print("New file saved:\n" + new_path) if __name__ == "__main__": path_dir = ( "/home/users/augier3pi/useful/project/14LADHYX/NS3D_results_froggy/" "ns3d_exp_HYPER_288x288x96_L=30x30x10_" "nu=0.0001266_N=2.0_Tend=400_2015-01-09_19-18-52" ) # ff0 = NS3DFieldFile(path_file=path_dir + # '/velo_rho_vort.t=0400.045') # ff1 = NS3DFieldFile(path_file=path_dir + # '/velo_rho_vort.t=0400.045_64x64x32') # ff2 = NS3DFieldFile(path_file=path_dir + # '/velo_rho_vort.t=0005.010_128x128x32')