Source code for

"""IO for python files containing data (:mod:``)

.. autofunction:: save_in_py


import sys

import numpy as np

[docs] def save_in_py(path, variables, names=None): """Save data in `variables` in the file `path`. Parameters ---------- path : str Path of the file where the data are saved (has to end with '.py'). variables : dict Contains the variables to be saved. names : None or sequence of str. If None, all variables in variables are saved, else, only the variables with name in names of the variables to be saved. Examples -------- .. code:: a = 1 b = 'str' c = np.ones(2) save_in_py('', locals(), ('a', 'b', 'c')) or from a dictionary:: d = {'a': 1, 'b': 'str', 'c': np.ones(2)} save_in_py('', d) """ if not path.endswith(".py"): raise ValueError if names is not None: variables_all = variables variables = {} for name in names: variables[name] = variables_all[name] np.set_printoptions(threshold=sys.maxsize) with open(path, "w") as f: f.write("from numpy import array, nan\n") for key, value in variables.items(): f.write(key + " = " + repr(value) + "\n")