Source code for

IO for HDF5 files (:mod:``)

.. autoclass:: H5File

.. autofunction:: save_variables_h5

.. autofunction:: load_variables_h5


import numbers

import h5py
import numpy as np

[docs] class H5File(h5py.File): """HDF5 file."""
[docs] def save_dict(self, keydict, dicttosave): """Save the dictionnary `dicttosave` in the file.""" group_params = self.create_group(keydict) if len(dicttosave) > 0: for k, v in list(dicttosave.items()): group_params.create_dataset(k, data=v)
[docs] def load_dict(self, keydict): """Load a group as a dictionnary.""" group_params = self[keydict] params = {} for k, v_in_file in list(group_params.items()): v = v_in_file[...] if not isinstance(v, (float, int)) and v.ndim == 0: v = v.item() params[k] = v return params
def update_dict(self, keydict, dicttosave): group_params = self[keydict] for k, v in list(dicttosave.items()): group_params.create_dataset(k, data=v)
[docs] def save_dict_of_ndarrays(self, dicttosave, dtype=np.float32): """Save ndarrays in the file.""" dicttosave1 = {} for k, v in list(dicttosave.items()): if isinstance(v, numbers.Number): v = [v] a = np.array(v, dtype=dtype) dicttosave1[k] = a[None, ...] if k not in list(self.keys()): for k, v in list(dicttosave1.items()): self.create_dataset(k, data=v, maxshape=(None,) + v.shape[1:]) else: nb_saved_times = self[k].shape[0] for k, v in list(dicttosave1.items()): dset_p = self[k] dset_p.resize((nb_saved_times + 1,) + v.shape[1:]) dset_p[nb_saved_times] = v
[docs] def load(self, times_slice=None): """Load data.""" dict_return = {} for k in list(self.attrs.keys()): dict_return[k] = self.attrs[k] for k in list(self.keys()): dict_return[k] = self[k][...] if times_slice is not None: try: times = dict_return["times"] except KeyError: raise ValueError("No array times in the file.") tstart = times_slice[0] if tstart is None: tstart = times[0] itstart = abs(times - tstart).argmin() if len(times_slice) > 1 and times_slice[1] is not None: tend = times_slice[1] else: tend = times[-1] itend = abs(times - tend).argmin() if len(times_slice) > 2 and times_slice[2] is not None: tstep = times_slice[2] else: tstep = 0.0 its = [itstart] for it in range(itstart + 1, itend): if times[it] >= times[its[-1]] + tstep: its.append(it) its = list(its) for k in list(self.keys()): dict_return[k] = dict_return[k][its] return dict_return
[docs] def save_variables_h5(path, variables, names=None): """Save data in `variables` in the file `path`. Parameters ---------- path : str Path of the file where the data are saved (has to end with '.py'). variables : dict Contains the variables to be saved. names : None or sequence of str. If None, all variables in variables are saved, else, only the variables with name in names of the variables to be saved. Examples -------- .. code:: a = 1 b = 'str' c = np.ones(2) save_variables_h5('myfile.h5', locals(), ('a', 'b', 'c')) or from a dictionary:: d = {'a': 1, 'b': 'str', 'c': np.ones(2)} save_variables_h5('myfile.h5', d) """ if names is not None: variables_all = variables variables = {} for name in names: variables[name] = variables_all[name] with h5py.File(path, "w") as file: for key, value in variables.items(): file.create_dataset(key, data=value)
[docs] def load_variables_h5(path): """Load files created with the function `save_variables_h5`. Parameters ---------- path : str Path towards a hdf5 file saved with `save_variables_h5`. """ variables = {} with h5py.File(path, "r") as file: for key, dataset in file.items(): value = dataset[()] if isinstance(value, bytes): value = value.decode() variables[key] = value return variables
# if __name__ == '__main__': # pass