Source code for fluiddyn.clusters.oar

OAR clusters (:mod:`fluiddyn.clusters.oar`)


.. autoclass:: ClusterOAR

.. autofunction:: get_job_id

.. autofunction:: get_job_info

.. autofunction:: count_number_jobs

import datetime
import os
import stat
import time
from subprocess import getoutput
from sys import version_info as version

from import call_bash, run_asking_agreement
from . import Cluster, subprocess

[docs] def get_job_id(name_job): """Get the job id from the name job Typical output of ``oarstat -u`` :: Job id S User Duration System message --------- - -------- ---------- ------------------------------------------------ 644829 F augier3p 0:05:08 R=4,W=0:10:0,J=B,N=fluidsim-restart_nx160_Rb20_N20,T=idempotent (Karma=0.038,quota_ok) """ output = getoutput("oarstat -u") if name_job not in output: return for line in output.split("\n"): if name_job in line: break return line.split(maxsplit=1)[0].strip()
[docs] def get_job_info(name_or_id): """Get some information about a job""" output = getoutput("oarstat -u") if not isinstance(name_or_id, str): name_or_id = str(name_or_id) if name_or_id not in output: return for line in output.split("\n"): if name_or_id in line: break keys = ["id", "status", "user", "duration", "message", "karma"] info = {k: w for k, w in zip(keys, line.split())} possible_status = {"F": "failing", "W": "waiting", "R": "running"} info["status"] = possible_status.get(info["status"], "?") keys_message = {"R": "nb_procs", "W": "walltime", "N": "name", "T": "type"} for param in info["message"].split(","): key, value = param.split("=") if key in keys_message: info[keys_message[key]] = value return info
[docs] def count_number_jobs(name_job): """Get the number of jobs returned by ``oarstat -u``""" output = getoutput("oarstat -u") return sum(True for line in output.split("\n") if name_job in line)
[docs] class ClusterOAR(Cluster): name_cluster = "" nb_cores_per_node = 12 has_to_add_name_cluster = False _doc_commands = """ Useful commands --------------- oarsub -S oarstat -u oardel $JOB_ID oarsub -C $JOB_ID"""
[docs] def check_oar(self): """check if this script is run on a frontal with oar installed""" try: subprocess.check_call(["oarsub", "--version"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) except OSError as error: raise OSError("oar does not seem to be installed.") from error
def submit_script( self, path, name_run="fluiddyn", nb_nodes=1, nb_cores_per_node=None, walltime="24:00:00", project=None, nb_mpi_processes=None, omp_num_threads=None, idempotent=False, anterior=None, delay_signal_walltime=300, network_address=None, ask=True, submit=True, run_with_exec=True, resource_conditions=None, use_oar_envsh=None, ): path = os.path.expanduser(path) if not os.path.exists(path.split(" ")[0]): raise ValueError("The script does not exists! path:\n" + path) if not path.startswith("python "): command = "python " + path self.submit_command( command, name_run=name_run, nb_nodes=nb_nodes, nb_cores_per_node=nb_cores_per_node, walltime=walltime, project=project, nb_mpi_processes=nb_mpi_processes, omp_num_threads=omp_num_threads, idempotent=idempotent, anterior=anterior, delay_signal_walltime=delay_signal_walltime, network_address=network_address, ask=ask, submit=submit, run_with_exec=run_with_exec, resource_conditions=resource_conditions, use_oar_envsh=use_oar_envsh, ) def submit_command( self, command, name_run="fluiddyn", nb_nodes=1, nb_cores_per_node=None, walltime="24:00:00", project=None, nb_mpi_processes=None, omp_num_threads=None, idempotent=False, anterior=None, delay_signal_walltime=300, network_address=None, ask=True, submit=True, run_with_exec=True, resource_conditions=None, use_oar_envsh=None, ): self.check_oar() nb_cores_per_node, nb_mpi_processes = self._parse_cores_procs( nb_nodes, nb_cores_per_node, nb_mpi_processes ) str_time ="%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") path_launching_script = "oar_launcher_" + str_time if os.path.exists(path_launching_script): i = 1 while os.path.exists(path_launching_script + "_" + str(i)): i += 1 path_launching_script += "_" + str(i) txt = self._create_txt_launching_script( command, name_run, nb_nodes, nb_cores_per_node, walltime, nb_mpi_processes=nb_mpi_processes, omp_num_threads=omp_num_threads, network_address=network_address, run_with_exec=run_with_exec, resource_conditions=resource_conditions, use_oar_envsh=use_oar_envsh, ) with open(path_launching_script, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file: file.write(txt) os.chmod( path_launching_script, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IXUSR ) launching_command = "oarsub" if project is not None: launching_command += " --project " + project if delay_signal_walltime is not None: launching_command += " --checkpoint " + str(delay_signal_walltime) if idempotent: launching_command += " -t idempotent" if anterior is not None: launching_command += f" --anterior {anterior}" launching_command += " -S ./" + path_launching_script print(f'A launcher for the command "{command}" has been created.') if submit: if ask: run_asking_agreement(launching_command) else: print( "The script is submitted with the command:\n", launching_command, ) call_bash(launching_command) def _create_txt_launching_script( self, command, name_run, nb_nodes, nb_cores_per_node, walltime, nb_mpi_processes=None, omp_num_threads=None, network_address=None, run_with_exec=True, resource_conditions=None, use_oar_envsh=None, ): txt = f"#!/bin/bash\n\n#OAR -n {name_run}\n" txt += "#OAR -l " if self.has_to_add_name_cluster and network_address is None: conditions = f"cluster='{self.name_cluster}'" elif network_address is not None: conditions = f"network_address='{network_address}" else: conditions = "" if resource_conditions is not None: if conditions: conditions += " and " conditions += resource_conditions if conditions: txt += "{" + conditions + "}" txt += "/nodes={}/core={},walltime={}\n\n".format( nb_nodes, nb_cores_per_node, walltime ) txt += 'echo "hostname: "$HOSTNAME\n\n' txt += "\n".join(self.get_commands_setting_env()) + "\n\n" if omp_num_threads is not None: txt += f"export OMP_NUM_THREADS={omp_num_threads}\n\n" if use_oar_envsh is None: use_oar_envsh = nb_mpi_processes is not None and nb_nodes > 1 if use_oar_envsh: txt += ( "# Shell with environment variables forwarded\n" "export OMPI_MCA_plm_rsh_agent=oar-envsh\n\n" ) if run_with_exec: txt += "exec " if nb_mpi_processes is not None: txt += f"mpirun -np {nb_mpi_processes} " if nb_nodes > 1: txt += "-machinefile ${OAR_NODEFILE} " txt += command + "\n" return txt
[docs] def stall(self, name_job, limit_number_jobs=1, time_check=30): """Wait until job(s) completion. Parameters ---------- name_run: str Description of the job. Should be the same as in submit_script. limit_number_jobs: int (default: 1) Stall when the number of job is larger or equal to `limit_number_jobs`. time_check: int Time to sleep in seconds. """ tstart = time.time() while count_number_jobs(name_job) >= limit_number_jobs: time.sleep(time_check) print(f"job {name_job} finished in {time.time() - tstart} s")