Source code for fluiddyn.calcul.easypyfft

"""Fast Fourier transforms (:mod:`fluiddyn.calcul.easypyfft`)

.. autofunction:: fftw_grid_size

Provides classes for performing fft in 1, 2, and 3 dimensions:

.. autoclass:: FFTP2D

.. autoclass:: FFTW2DReal2Complex

.. autoclass:: FFTW3DReal2Complex

.. autoclass:: FFTW1D

.. autoclass:: FFTW1DReal2Complex


import os
from time import time

import numpy as np

from ..util.mpi import nb_proc, printby0

    import scipy.fftpack as fftp
except ImportError:

if "OMP_NUM_THREADS" in os.environ:
    nthreads = int(os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"])
    nthreads = 1

[docs] def fftw_grid_size(nk, bases=[2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13], debug=False): """Find the closest multiple of prime powers greater than or equal to nk using Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP). Useful while setting the grid-size to be compatible with FFTW. Parameters ---------- nk : int Lower bound for the spectral grid size. bases : array-like, optional List of bases, typically prime numbers. debug : bool, optional Print useful messages. Returns ------- int """ if {2, 3, 5} == set(bases): if debug: print("Using scipy.fftpack.next_fast_len") return fftp.next_fast_len(nk) elif {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13} == set(bases): try: import pyfftw return pyfftw.next_fast_len(nk) except (ImportError, AttributeError): pass else: if debug: print("Using pyfftw.next_fast_len") if not {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13}.issuperset(bases): raise ValueError( "FFTW only supports bases which are a subset of " "{2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13}." ) import pulp prob = pulp.LpProblem("FFTW Grid-size Problem") bases = np.array(bases) bases_order1 = bases[bases < 10] bases_order2 = bases[bases >= 10] exp_max = np.ceil(np.log2(nk)) exps = pulp.LpVariable.dicts( "exponent_o1", bases_order1, 0, exp_max, cat=pulp.LpInteger ) exps.update( pulp.LpVariable.dicts( "exponent_o2", bases_order2, 0, 1, cat=pulp.LpInteger ) ) log_nk_new = pulp.LpVariable("log_grid_size", 0) log_nk_new = pulp.lpDot(exps.values(), np.log(bases)) prob += log_nk_new # Target to be minimized # Subject to: prob += log_nk_new >= np.log(nk), "T1" if {11, 13}.issubset(bases): prob += exps[11] + exps[13] <= 1, "T2" if debug: print("bases =", bases) print("exponents =", exps) print("log_nk_new =", log_nk_new) # prob.writeLP("FFTWGridSizeOptimizationModel.lp") prob.solve() if debug: print("Status:", pulp.LpStatus[prob.status]) for v in prob.variables(): print(, "=", v.varValue) if pulp.LpStatus[prob.status] == "Infeasible": raise ValueError(f"Not enough bases: {bases}") exps_solution = [v.varValue for v in prob.variables()] nk_new =, exps_solution)) return int(nk_new)
class BaseFFT: def run_tests(self): arr = np.random.rand(*self.shapeX) arr_fft = self.fft(arr) arr = self.ifft(arr_fft) arr_fft = self.fft(arr) nrj = self.compute_energy_from_spatial(arr) nrj_fft = self.compute_energy_from_Fourier(arr_fft) assert np.allclose(nrj, nrj_fft), (nrj, nrj_fft, nb_proc * nrj_fft - nrj) arr2_fft = np.zeros(self.shapeK, dtype=np.complex128) self.fft_as_arg(arr, arr2_fft) nrj2_fft = self.compute_energy_from_Fourier(arr2_fft) assert np.allclose(nrj, nrj2_fft) arr2 = np.empty(self.shapeX) self.ifft_as_arg(arr_fft, arr2) nrj2 = self.compute_energy_from_spatial(arr2) assert np.allclose(nrj, nrj2) def run_benchs(self, nb_time_execute=10): arr = np.zeros(self.shapeX) arr_fft = np.zeros(self.shapeK, dtype=np.complex128) times = [] for i in range(nb_time_execute): t_start = time() self.fft_as_arg(arr, arr_fft) times.append(time() - t_start) time_fft = np.mean(times) times = [] for i in range(nb_time_execute): t_start = time() self.ifft_as_arg(arr_fft, arr) times.append(time() - t_start) time_ifft = np.mean(times) name = self.__class__.__name__ printby0( "Internal bench (" + name + ")\n" "time fft ({}): {:.6f} s\n".format(name, time_fft) + f"time ifft ({name}): {time_ifft:.6f} s" ) return time_fft, time_ifft def get_short_name(self): return self.__class__.__name__.lower() def compute_energy_from_X(self, fieldX): return np.mean(fieldX**2 / 2.0) def get_local_size_X(self): return def get_shapeK_seq(self): return self.shapeK get_shapeK_loc = get_shapeK_seq def get_shapeX_seq(self): return self.shapeX get_shapeX_loc = get_shapeX_seq
[docs] class FFTP2D(BaseFFT): """A class to use fftp""" def __init__(self, nx, ny): if nx % 2 != 0 or ny % 2 != 0: raise ValueError("nx and ny should be even") self.nx = nx self.ny = ny self.shapeX = (ny, nx) self.nkx = int(float(nx) / 2 + 1) self.shapeK = self.shapeK_seq = self.shapeK_loc = (ny, self.nkx) self.coef_norm = nx * ny self.fft2d = self.fft self.ifft2d = self.ifft def fft(self, ff): if not (isinstance(ff[0, 0], float)): print("Warning: not array of floats") big_ff_fft = fftp.fft2(ff) / self.coef_norm small_ff_fft = big_ff_fft[:, 0 : self.nkx] return small_ff_fft def ifft(self, small_ff_fft, ARG_IS_COMPLEX=False): if not (isinstance(small_ff_fft[0, 0], complex)): print("Warning: not array of complexes") # print('small_ff_fft\n', small_ff_fft) big_ff_fft = np.empty(self.shapeX, dtype=np.complex128) big_ff_fft[:, 0 : self.nkx] = small_ff_fft for iky in range(self.ny): big_ff_fft[iky, self.nkx :] = small_ff_fft[ -iky, self.nkx - 2 : 0 : -1 ].conj() # print('big_ff_fft final\n', big_ff_fft) result_ifft = fftp.ifft2(big_ff_fft * self.coef_norm) if np.max(np.imag(result_ifft)) > 10 ** (-8): print( "ifft2: imaginary part of ifft not equal to zero,", np.max(np.imag(result_ifft)), ) return np.real(result_ifft) def fft_as_arg(self, field, field_fft): field_fft[:] = self.fft(field) def ifft_as_arg(self, field_fft, field): field[:] = self.ifft(field_fft) def compute_energy_from_Fourier(self, ff_fft): return ( np.sum(abs(ff_fft[:, 0]) ** 2 + abs(ff_fft[:, -1]) ** 2) + 2 * np.sum(abs(ff_fft[:, 1:-1]) ** 2) ) / 2 def compute_energy_from_spatial(self, ff): return np.mean(abs(ff) ** 2) / 2
class BasePyFFT(BaseFFT): def __init__(self, shapeX): try: import pyfftw except ImportError as err: raise ImportError( "ImportError {0}. Instead fftpack can be used (?)", err ) if isinstance(shapeX, int): shapeX = [shapeX] shapeK = list(shapeX) shapeK[-1] = shapeK[-1] // 2 + 1 shapeK = tuple(shapeK) self.shapeX = shapeX self.shapeK = self.shapeK_seq = self.shapeK_loc = shapeK self.empty_aligned = pyfftw.empty_aligned self.arrayX = pyfftw.empty_aligned(shapeX, np.float64) self.arrayK = pyfftw.empty_aligned(shapeK, np.complex128) axes = tuple(range(len(shapeX))) self.fftplan = pyfftw.FFTW( input_array=self.arrayX, output_array=self.arrayK, axes=axes, direction="FFTW_FORWARD", threads=nthreads, ) self.ifftplan = pyfftw.FFTW( input_array=self.arrayK, output_array=self.arrayX, axes=axes, direction="FFTW_BACKWARD", threads=nthreads, ) self.coef_norm = self.inv_coef_norm = 1.0 / self.coef_norm def fft(self, fieldX): fieldK = self.empty_aligned(self.shapeK, np.complex128) self.fftplan(input_array=fieldX, output_array=fieldK) return fieldK / self.coef_norm def ifft(self, fieldK): fieldX = self.empty_aligned(self.shapeX, np.float64) # This copy is needed because FFTW_DESTROY_INPUT is used. # See self.arrayK[:] = fieldK self.ifftplan( input_array=self.arrayK, output_array=fieldX, normalise_idft=False ) return fieldX def fft_as_arg(self, fieldX, fieldK): self.fftplan(input_array=fieldX, output_array=fieldK) fieldK *= self.inv_coef_norm def ifft_as_arg(self, fieldK, fieldX): # This copy is needed because FFTW_DESTROY_INPUT is used. # See # fieldK = fieldK.copy() # self.ifftplan(input_array=fieldK, output_array=fieldX, # this seems faster (but it could depend on the size) self.arrayK[:] = fieldK self.ifftplan( input_array=self.arrayK, output_array=fieldX, normalise_idft=False ) def ifft_as_arg_destroy(self, fieldK, fieldX): self.ifftplan( input_array=fieldK, output_array=fieldX, normalise_idft=False ) def compute_energy_from_Fourier(self, ff_fft): result = self.sum_wavenumbers(abs(ff_fft) ** 2) / 2 return result compute_energy_from_K = compute_energy_from_Fourier def compute_energy_from_spatial(self, ff): return np.mean(abs(ff) ** 2) / 2 def project_fft_on_realX(self, ff_fft): return self.fft(self.ifft(ff_fft)) def get_is_transposed(self): return False def create_arrayX(self, value=None): """Return a constant array in real space.""" shapeX = self.shapeX field = self.empty_aligned(shapeX) if value is not None: field.fill(value) return field def create_arrayK(self, value=None): """Return a constant array in real space.""" shapeK = self.shapeK field = self.empty_aligned(shapeK, dtype=np.complex128) if value is not None: field.fill(value) return field
[docs] class FFTW2DReal2Complex(BasePyFFT): """A class to use fftw""" def __init__(self, nx, ny): shapeX = (ny, nx) super().__init__(shapeX) self.fft2d = self.fft self.ifft2d = self.ifft def sum_wavenumbers(self, ff_fft): if self.shapeX[1] % 2 == 0: return ( np.sum(ff_fft[:, 0]) + np.sum(ff_fft[:, -1]) + 2 * np.sum(ff_fft[:, 1:-1]) ) else: return np.sum(ff_fft[:, 0]) + 2 * np.sum(ff_fft[:, 1:]) def get_seq_indices_first_K(self): return 0, 0 def get_seq_indices_first_X(self): return 0, 0
[docs] def get_x_adim_loc(self): """Get the coordinates of the points stored locally. Returns ------- x0loc : np.ndarray x1loc : np.ndarray The indices correspond to the index of the dimension in real space. """ nyseq, nxseq = self.get_shapeX_seq() ix0_start, ix1_start = self.get_seq_indices_first_X() nx0loc, nx1loc = self.get_shapeX_loc() x0loc = np.array(range(ix0_start, ix0_start + nx0loc)) x1loc = np.array(range(ix1_start, ix1_start + nx1loc)) return x0loc, x1loc
[docs] def get_k_adim_loc(self): """Get the non-dimensional wavenumbers stored locally. Returns ------- k0_adim_loc : np.ndarray k1_adim_loc : np.ndarray The indices correspond to the index of the dimension in spectral space. """ nyseq, nxseq = self.get_shapeX_seq() kyseq = np.array( list(range(nyseq // 2 + 1)) + list(range(-nyseq // 2 + 1, 0)) ) kxseq = np.array(range(nxseq // 2 + 1)) if self.get_is_transposed(): k0seq, k1seq = kxseq, kyseq else: k0seq, k1seq = kyseq, kxseq ik0_start, ik1_start = self.get_seq_indices_first_K() nk0loc, nk1loc = self.get_shapeK_loc() k0_adim_loc = k0seq[ik0_start : ik0_start + nk0loc] k1_adim_loc = k1seq[ik1_start : ik1_start + nk1loc] return k0_adim_loc, k1_adim_loc
[docs] class FFTW3DReal2Complex(BasePyFFT): """A class to use fftw""" def __init__(self, nx, ny, nz): shapeX = (nz, ny, nx) super().__init__(shapeX) self.fft3d = self.fft self.ifft3d = self.ifft def sum_wavenumbers(self, ff_fft): if self.shapeX[2] % 2 == 0: return ( np.sum(ff_fft[:, :, 0]) + np.sum(ff_fft[:, :, -1]) + 2 * np.sum(ff_fft[:, :, 1:-1]) ) else: return np.sum(ff_fft[:, :, 0]) + 2 * np.sum(ff_fft[:, :, 1:]) def get_k_adim(self): nK0, nK1, nK2 = self.shapeK kz_adim_max = nK0 // 2 kz_adim_min = -((nK0 - 1) // 2) ky_adim_max = nK1 // 2 ky_adim_min = -((nK1 - 1) // 2) return ( np.r_[0 : kz_adim_max + 1, kz_adim_min:0], np.r_[0 : ky_adim_max + 1, ky_adim_min:0], np.arange(nK2), ) # def get_k_adim_loc(self): # return self.get_k_adim() def get_dimX_K(self): return 0, 1, 2 # def get_seq_indices_first_K(self): # return 0, 0 # def compute_energy_from_spatial(self, ff): # return np.mean(abs(ff)**2)/2 def project_fft_on_realX(self, ff_fft): return self.fft2d(self.ifft2d(ff_fft)) def build_invariant_arrayX_from_2d_indices12X(self, o2d, arr2d): nX0, nX1, nX2 = self.get_shapeX_seq() nX0loc, nX1loc, nX2loc = self.get_shapeX_loc() if (nX1, nX2) != o2d.get_shapeX_seq(): raise ValueError("Not the same physical shape...") # check that the 2d fft is not with distributed memory... if o2d.get_shapeX_loc() != o2d.get_shapeX_seq(): raise ValueError("2d fft is with distributed memory...") ind0seq_first, ind1seq_first, _ = self.get_seq_indices_first_K() if (nX1loc, nX2loc) == o2d.get_shapeX_loc(): arr3d_loc_2dslice = arr2d else: raise NotImplementedError arr3d = np.empty([nX0loc, nX1loc, nX2loc]) for i0 in range(nX0loc): arr3d[i0] = arr3d_loc_2dslice return arr3d def build_invariant_arrayK_from_2d_indices12X(self, o2d, arr2d): nK0, nK1, nK2 = self.get_shapeK_seq() ret = np.zeros((nK0,) + o2d.shapeK_seq, dtype=np.complex128) ret[0] = arr2d return ret
[docs] def get_seq_indices_first_X(self): """Get the "sequential" indices of the first number in Real space.""" return 0, 0, 0
[docs] def get_seq_indices_first_K(self): """Get the "sequential" indices of the first number in Fourier space.""" return 0, 0, 0
[docs] def get_k_adim_loc(self): """Get the non-dimensional wavenumbers stored locally. Returns ------- k0_adim_loc : np.ndarray k1_adim_loc : np.ndarray k2_adim_loc : np.ndarray The indices correspond to the index of the dimension in spectral space. """ nK0, nK1, nK2 = self.get_shapeK_seq() nK0_loc, nK1_loc, nK2_loc = self.get_shapeK_loc() d0, d1, d2 = self.get_dimX_K() i0_start, i1_start, i2_start = self.get_seq_indices_first_K() k0_adim = compute_k_adim_seq_3d(nK0, d0) k0_adim_loc = k0_adim[i0_start : i0_start + nK0_loc] k1_adim = compute_k_adim_seq_3d(nK1, d1) k1_adim_loc = k1_adim[i1_start : i1_start + nK1_loc] k2_adim_loc = compute_k_adim_seq_3d(nK2, d2) return k0_adim_loc, k1_adim_loc, k2_adim_loc
def compute_k_adim_seq_3d(nk, axis): """Compute the adimensional wavenumber for an axis. Parameters ---------- nk : int Global size in Fourier space for the axis. axis : int Index of the axis in real space (0 for z, 1 for y and 2 for x). """ if axis == 2: return np.arange(nk) else: k_adim_max = nk // 2 k_adim_min = -((nk - 1) // 2) return np.r_[0 : k_adim_max + 1, k_adim_min:0]
[docs] class FFTW1D(BasePyFFT): """A class to use fftw 1D""" def __init__(self, n): try: import pyfftw except ImportError as err: raise ImportError("ImportError. Instead fftpack?", err) if n % 2 != 0: raise ValueError("n should be even") shapeX = (n,) shapeK = (n,) self.shapeX = shapeX self.shapeK = self.shapeK_seq = self.shapeK_loc = shapeK self.arrayX = pyfftw.empty_aligned(shapeX, "complex128") self.arrayK = pyfftw.empty_aligned(shapeK, "complex128") self.fftplan = pyfftw.FFTW( input_array=self.arrayX, output_array=self.arrayK, axes=(-1,), direction="FFTW_FORWARD", threads=nthreads, ) self.ifftplan = pyfftw.FFTW( input_array=self.arrayK, output_array=self.arrayX, axes=(-1,), direction="FFTW_BACKWARD", threads=nthreads, ) self.coef_norm = n self.inv_coef_norm = 1.0 / n def fft(self, ff): self.arrayX[:] = ff self.fftplan() return self.arrayK / self.coef_norm def ifft(self, ff_fft): self.arrayK[:] = ff_fft self.ifftplan() return self.arrayX.copy()
[docs] class FFTW1DReal2Complex(BasePyFFT): """A class to use fftw 1D""" def sum_wavenumbers(self, ff_fft): if self.shapeX[0] % 2 == 0: return ff_fft[0] + ff_fft[-1] + 2 * np.sum(ff_fft[1:-1]) else: return ff_fft[0] + 2 * np.sum(ff_fft[1:]) def compute_energy_from_Fourier(self, ff_fft): return ( abs(ff_fft[0]) ** 2 + 2 * np.sum(abs(ff_fft[1:-1]) ** 2) + abs(ff_fft[-1]) ** 2 ) / 2 def compute_energy_from_spatial(self, ff): return np.mean(abs(ff) ** 2) / 2