Source code for fluidlab.instruments.powersupply.isotech_ips2303s

"""Iso-tech IPS 2303S

.. autoclass:: IsoTechIPS2303S


__all__ = ["IsoTechIPS2303S"]

from import comports

from fluidlab.instruments.drivers import Driver
from fluidlab.interfaces.serial_inter import SerialInterface

from fluidlab.instruments.features import QueryCommand, FloatValue

class FloatValueIPS(FloatValue):
    """Particular value for the driver IsoTechIPS2303S."""

    _fmt = "{:5.3f}"

    def __init__(self, name, doc="", command_set=None):

        if command_set is None:
            raise ValueError("command_set should be a string.")

        command_get = command_set + "?\r\n"

            name=name, doc=doc, command_set=command_set, command_get=command_get

    def _convert_from_str(self, value):
        return float(value[:-1])

    def get(self):
        """Get the value from the instrument."""
        result = self._convert_from_str(self._interface.query(self.command_get))
        return result

    def set(self, value, warn=True):
        """Set the value in the instrument."""
            self.command_set + ":" + self._convert_as_str(value) + "\n"
        if warn:

[docs]class IsoTechIPS2303S(Driver): """Driver for the power supply IPS 2303S. Parameters ---------- baudrate : {9600, 57600, 115200} The baud rate (symbol per second). Warning: it is written in the documentation of the device that the baudrate has to be equal to 57600 or 115200. Actually, before I modified this parameter I was able to communicate with the device only with a baud rate of 9600 Bd. """ def __init__(self, baudrate=115_200): if baudrate not in [9600, 57600, 115_200]: raise ValueError("baudrate has to be in [9600, 57600, 115200].") port = None for info_port in comports(): if "0403" in info_port[2] and "6001" in info_port[2]: port = info_port[0] if port is None: raise ValueError("The device does not seem to be plugged.") interface = SerialInterface( port, baudrate=baudrate, bytesize=8, parity="N", stopbits=1, timeout=1 ) super().__init__(interface)
[docs] def set_beep(self, ok_for_beep=True): """Set beep on or off.""" if ok_for_beep: value = 1 else: value = 0 self.interface.write(f"BEEP{value}\n")
[docs] def set_output_state(self, on=True): """Set output state on or off. If the output state is off, there is no output. """ if on: value = 1 else: value = 0 self.interface.write(f"OUT{value}\n")
[docs] def set_operation_mode(self, tracking="independent"): """Set the operation mode (tracking). Parameters ---------- tracking : {'independent', 'series', 'parallel'} The tracking mode. """ if tracking == "independent": value = 0 elif tracking == "series": value = 1 elif tracking == "parallel": value = 2 else: raise ValueError( "tracking has to be in ['independent', 'series', 'parallel']" ) self.interface.write(f"TRACK{value}\n")
[docs] def set_baud(self, baud=115_200): """Set baud rate for the serial communication. parameters ---------- baud : {115200, 57600} The baud rate (symbol per second). """ if baud == 115_200: value = 0 elif baud == 57600: value = 1 else: raise ValueError("baud has to be in [115200, 57600]") self.interface.write(f"BAUD{value}\n") self.interface.serial_port.baudrate = baud
[docs] def print_device_help(self): """Print internal help.""" print( self._query_help() + "\n\nMost of the command are implemented in this driver. " "For them, you do not need to know the exact internal command." )
def _parse_status_code(code): status = {} if code[0] == "0": status["mode_CH1"] = "CC" else: status["mode_CH1"] = "CV" if code[1] == "0": status["mode_CH2"] = "CC" else: status["mode_CH2"] = "CV" tracking = code[2:4] if tracking == "01": status["tracking"] = "independent" elif tracking == "11": status["tracking"] = "series" elif tracking == "10": status["tracking"] = "parallel" else: status["tracking"] = "?" if code[4] == "0": status["beep"] = "off" else: status["beep"] = "on" if code[6] == "0": status["output"] = "off" else: status["output"] = "on" return status def _parse_to_float(s): return float(s[:-1]) features = [ QueryCommand( "query_identification", "Identification query", command_str="*IDN?\r\n" ), QueryCommand( "query_status", "Query status\n\n" "Return a dictionary containing information of the device.", command_str="STATUS?\r\n", parse_result=_parse_status_code, ), QueryCommand( "_query_help", "Query help (list of commands).", command_str="HELP?\r\n" ), QueryCommand( "query_error_message", "Query error message.", command_str="ERR?\r\n" ), ] for channel in [1, 2]: features.extend( [ FloatValueIPS( f"iset{channel}", doc=f"Target output current for channel {channel} (A).", command_set=f"ISET{channel}", ), FloatValueIPS( f"vset{channel}", doc=f"Target output voltage for channel {channel} (V).", command_set=f"VSET{channel}", ), QueryCommand( f"get_iout{channel}", f"Get the actual current for channel {channel} (A).", f"IOUT{channel}?\r\n", parse_result=_parse_to_float, ), QueryCommand( f"get_vout{channel}", f"Get the actual voltage for channel {channel}. (V)", f"VOUT{channel}?\r\n", parse_result=_parse_to_float, ), ] ) IsoTechIPS2303S._build_class_with_features(features) def for_dev_idn_with_serial(): import serial port = None for info_port in comports(): if "0403:6001" in info_port[2]: port = info_port[0] if port is None: raise ValueError("The device does not seem to be plugged.") sp = serial.Serial( port=port, baudrate=9600, # warning: does work for higher baudrate! timeout=1, bytesize=8, parity="N", stopbits=1, ) sp.readline() sp.write("*IDN?\r\n") print(sp.readline()) return sp def for_dev_idn_with_visa(): import visa rm = visa.ResourceManager("@py") # for r in rm.list_resources(): # if 'ttyUSB' in r: # resource_name = r # print(resource_name) resource_name = "ASRL/dev/ttyUSB0::INSTR" instr = rm.open_resource(resource_name) instr.write("*IDN?\r\n") print( if __name__ == "__main__": # sp = for_dev_idn_with_serial() # for_dev_idn_with_visa() pwrsupp = IsoTechIPS2303S()